Monday, March 12, 2012

Shallow Depth of Field Assessment

For the assessment for Shallow Depth of Field the students took a BUNCH of photographs of three different subject areas: Object, Nature and Portrait. Once they chose their favorite 3 from each of these categories they put them all together in Photoshop, creating their first work sample.

I find this assignment to be a great way to not only check that the students are understanding how to shoot a depth of field subject, but also to check that they are understanding Photoshop! This semesters group did an amazing job. Enjoy!--Mrs. Schu
Morgan S

Riley A.

Scott A.

Estefany A.

Jordan Coppa

Gabriella F.

Austin F.

Ashley H.

Allie I.

Autumn J.

A. Jowell

Hayley L.

Jamie M.

Payton B.

Kyra P.

Sam R.

Joceline R.

Grace S.

Milena S.

Rachel S.

Jessica W
Madison H.

Tyrone S

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