Monday, March 26, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Last week the students began shooting on Manual. To assist them with experimenting with manual photographs they worked in groups to complete a scavenger hunt. They had to find something that moved, something gray, something cold, something soft and something that made noise. The winning team got to have their photographs posted on the blog AND won Starbucks delivered to their first period class:) The winners were judged by a group of my friends--and Hayley, Sam and Ashley were the winners! Here are their great photographs!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

About Me

As we begin to look more at Photoshop, students began to look at using layers and the different effects that they could create by placing photographs on different layers. To help them practice this technique, and to get to know a little more about them, the class created About Me postcards. Enjoy!!


Last week students learned how to use the liquid gallery in Photoshop to edit their photographs to make themselves look like aliens. Along with this they also utilized the crop tool (perspective), color replace, lens flare and stamp. If you would like copies of any of these lesson plans feel free to email me