Friday, September 16, 2011

F-Stop Photos

These photos were taken by the students using the Aperture Priority setting on a Canon Rebel SLR camera. This setting allows the students to select an aperture for their camera while the camera automatically sets the shutter speed for them. This gives the effect of a blurred background with one item standing out. As we work toward taking F-stop photos manually, the students are starting with just setting the Aperture. They did an excellent job of selecting what F-stop to use. Please enjoy!
K. Davis

M. Kocher

M. Nichols

J. Healey

M. Ahlborn

C. Anderson

T. Barber

K. Capron

G. Eppright

S. Esparza

L. Fickers

H. Fitzpatrick

A. Haugen

P. Jaramillo

D. Laisy

M. Lambert

D. Mcafee

O. Obieroma

B. Powell

A. Roberts

N. Ross

S. Strand

D. Wehmer

S. Williams

K. Clark

C. Schumacher

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